Wednesday, November 18, 2009


This last weeks we had also more stuff in weekend than in week
friday i was fasting for the youth group and it was a really good time
We had worship and one of the girls got the gift of is really cool that God is doing stuff when He wants and without our will..He reminds us that he is in control and his Spirit cant be stoped by our deeds
Also we had a prayer time with prophetick words came thru many youth and to all of us i think
Saturday we had practice for the worship and drama
Sunday we went to a congregation in south estonia called Mooste congregation
Our church had the whole service and the youth had worship and a Drama

This is just a littel owrewiev what happend

Stay blessed



Räägin natuke eilmisest nädalast..eilmine nädal oli meil nagu ikka natuke rohkem tegemisi nädala lõpus kui nädala sees
Reedel oli meil noorte osadus grupp ja Ma olin reede pastuks võtnud..Meil oli ästi äge age Jumalaga ja ülistuse ajal sai üks tüdruk keeltes rääkimise anni ja siis pärast meil oli palve aeg võetud ja Saime palju Prohvetlike sõnu Jumala käest meie linna ja inimeste ja meie enda kohta
Jumal on lahe
laupäeval oli meil ülistus proov ja draama proov samuti..tegime ka kooriproovi
Sest pähapäeval läksime külla Mooste kogudusele et neid Teenistusega teenida
Ja see oli hea aeg..Saime noortega Ülistada ja Samuti tegime ühe draama.

See on natuke sellest mida me tegime noortega

Olge õnnistatud


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hey Everybody

it is time for the weekly update.
This last week our youth and all the youth in Estonia had a school break and so i organised a littel gathering for 2 days for them.
we had some youth from jõgeva coming to our church to join our youth group and so we had a meeting in the end of thursday at 7 a clock where i had invited a youth pastor from Tartu,from Word of Life congregation to speak.
it was really good to get to pray for the youth after the meeting,we prayd for all of them and it was a really good time.
God was speaking to people and also me,it was a really good time of peace and soaking.
Friday we had a visitor thet we did not expect,the youth leader from Jõgeva Kaur who was suposed to be in Sweden came suddenly and visited us.
It was really good to see him and to spend time with him,we got to laugh a lot.
Friday we had youth meeting in the evening
and so in saturday we finished with packing and cleaning up the mess....Well it wasnt a mess really just a bit of cleaning.
So that is what happened this week:)
have a blessed day
miss you all timo

God bless

Hei kõik lugejad

Nagu te teate,eilmine nädal oli koolivaheaeg ja siis meie siin Mustvees tegime sellise väikse laagrimoodi asja. neljapäev kuni laupäev
Olime koos Jõgeva noortega meie kirikus ja meil oli selline sotsiaal/powertime

Neljapäeval oli meil Külas Elu sõna noortepastor Tartust ja ta rääkis Enda/kõigi väärtusest Jumalas.see oli väga hea aeg koos noortega ja pärast me palvetasime kõigi eest ja Jumal sai rääkida nende eludesse.
Pärast seda oli meil selline vaikne aeg kus saime olla lihtsalt Jumalaga koos ja tunda tema lähedust
reedel oli meil õhtul noortekas aga päeval oli välja mõeldud igast sotsiaalseida mänge ja tegevusi.
Laupäeval lõppes meis koosolemine.
See oli väga hea aeg ja ma sain aru,et koosolemine ka sõprade vahel annab tegelikult väga tugeva Jumaliku sõpruse ja vendluse.
See oli tõesti hea nädal

Jumal Õnnistagu teid
