Our hearts have been stirred since the Fathers heart conference about something different...and about Loving Dad
I shared about the conference and about the Fathers heart that time in the youth group and told about the Love of God
it is amazing how the Lord spoke in that evening and what was about to come we did not foresee
we had some Food and we just spoke about God and about ourselves.
Then we disided to just pray and be in the presence and then Daddy God just came so strongly down we were just crying and laying on the floor for 2 hours and just soaking
I have been thinking and searching my heart for what the Lord has been doing and i have seen and felt that it has something to do with the brokenness of our families and that the Lord wants to restore things that the Enemy has stolen.It is amazing that sometimes we want to start building up our faith but God wants to take us back to the beginning and in the earlier years of our lives to heal and restore.
I believe that that happened this time
So praise to him who is worthy and holy and loving
Now this weekend we have the youth group in Saturday not in Friday and we have great things to expect
Hugs to all
Tere kõigile
Esimene noortekas mai kuus oli üks erilisemaid mis on kunagi toimunud
meie ootused ja lootused olid erinevad kui me reedel noortekale tulime ja seda ette valmistasime.
Õigupoolest olime me ettevalmistamisel seekord väga teistsugused ja panime rõhku vabadusele ja mitte nii palju planeerimisele.
Ma alustasin noortekat rääkides Isa südamest ja sellest mis seal konverentsil toimus
Ma usun et see mida Jumal too õhtu rääkis ole Issist ja teme südamest meie vastu
meil oli väike snaki aeg ja siis me otsustasime lihtsalt palvetada ja siis Jumal lihsalt tuli oma isa südamega ja me olime seal 2 tundi lihtsalt maas ja ülistasime ja olime Jumala ees ja tema südame sees :)
See oli nii võimas
Ma olen otsinud ja vaadanud oma südamesse et mis juhtus ja ma usun et jumal tegi midagi seaoses meie perekondadega ja nende taas ühendamisega.
Jumal taastas midagi mis oli vaenlase poolt ära röövitud.
Issi on hea
Tänu talle ootame mida ta see noortekas teha tahab
Meie selle nädala noortekas toimub laupäeval kell 5
Näeme seal