Everyone...the spring has finnaly started to show some of it s face,and it is wonderful.
Now it is some time since the last post but this time in my life has been interesting and i have been thru some interesting and challanging times.
This week we had worship practice in tuesday and that was really a time of precence.God has been talking a lot about healing of hearts here in my life and all.
So now we are just prepairing a evangelical event at school and it is really interesting time...
so you can pray about that happening in 19th of march
and now tomorrow we hav youth group and sunday servise with me teaching and doing the worship...Pray that God would do amazing stuff....
anyway times are interesting and i will talk to you more about whats happening in my newsletter that i will send in some days
If you read this Blogg then let me know how you are also doing it is really a blessing to hear from all people and friends.
Stay blessed till the next update
wait for the Lord and do not lean on your own understanding