Hey Every reader of our blog
A new year has started.It is our second year in mustvee and things are a bit different this time
Our youth team has been split this year we are together Timo and Kaili.
The other youth leaders have had so much to do and Mihkel has moved to Tartu so they cant take apart of the youth work which is sad but what can we do about it.
Last friday we had our first youth meeting.
Youth group from Jõgeva came to visit and so we did it together.We have also assambled a youth worship team and want to do it with different members also so we can all be in the worship in different times.
Sander and Simo(the youth leaders in Jõgeva) were there and Sander spoke about trusting God and how Abraham showed us an exsample.
I (Timo) also had a Birthday party that night and so there were some other guests there also
it was a long night and I left earlier than others,which has never happened before.:)
but i guess things are a bit different now when i am 22 years in age.
next youth meeting will be in 3days and Kaili our other youth leader will have a birthday and so we are looking foward to it in many ways :D
Stay blessed
Tere Kõik Meie bloggi lugejad
Uus aasta on alguse saanud ja meie noortetiimis on väikesed muudatused toimunud.
Sellel aastal oleme me Kaili ja Timo kahekesi noortejuhid teised kaks kes meiega koos olid ei saa see aasta nii palju kaasa teha sest neil on nii palju teha ja mihkel kolis Tartusse.
Eilmine reede oli meil noorteõhtu ja see oli koos Jõgeva noortegrupiga sellel aastal tahaksime rohkem nendega koos olla ja teha erinevaid asju :D
Samuti oleme kokku pannud noorte ülistus tiimi ja tahaksime seda teha erinevate koosseisudega et kõik saaksid vahel ka lihtsalt ülistada:D
Sander rääkis kuida Jumalat usaldada ja kuidas seda tegi Aabraham
Mina(Timo pidasin ka sünnipäeva ja sellepärast olid seal ka mõned teised külalised
Õhtu venis kuni kella 3 ni öösel ja ma lahkusin varem.Vist selle pärast et ma nüüd 22.võis siis selle pärast et sellised massi üritused on alati väsitavad:D
Järgmine noortekas on meil reedel ja peame ka Kaili sünnipäeva,oleme topelt ootuses
Olge õnnistatud