Monday, February 23, 2009

Toimus meil järjekordne noorteõhtu,külas käisid rakvere noored ja nende Pastor Gunnar.Õhtu alguseks olid paar mängu,pildi peal näha üks neist.

Rakvere noored olid tulnud terve noorte bändiga,mis oli igati teretulnud ja meeldiv,nad tegid ülistust ja tunnistasid,Kunnar jagas sõna....

Ta rääkis Jumala austamisest,läbi oma elu,sõnade ja tegude.

We had another youth group,this time we had visitors from Rakvere,the youth group and the pastor Gunnar.We started the night with couple of games,and you can see some of the action on the pictures.
The visitors had brought the worship band with them,or actually they were it.Which was really welcome.

We had some worship and Gunnar teached about honouring God,with your life,words,and actions

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Turupäev :D

...mõned on rõõmsad ja külmunud... (Some happy and frozen)
...teised on ainult rõõmsad... :) (The others just happy)

Niisiis, käisime Mihkli ja Timoga 31. jaan. Mustvee turul jalatseid müümas. Aktsioon toimus küll suht ammu aga parem kajastada seda hilja kui mitte kunagi :D.
Päev algas sellega, et ärkasime LAUPÄEVA hommikul kell 6:30 üles ja läksime kirikusse jalanõusid puhastama... kella 8ks viisime asjad turule. Peale meie olid seal veel mõned müüjad :D. Hommik oli erakordselt külm. Passisime turul umbes üheteistkümneni kui Marili, Pille ja Merili tulid meid asendama. Nemad külmetasid ainult ühe tunni :D
Omaarust panime küll suht madalad hinnad, kuid ometi osteti vaid 3 paari jalatseid, mis oli suht masendav aga me olime siiski õnnelikud : )
Aga miks me ültse turul käisime? - Nimelt, kui keegi veel ei tea, me kogume raha et osta videoprožektor :D (ma loodan, et ma kirjutasin selle sõna õigesti ).
Lisaks sellele rõõmule, et saime turul müüjaid mängida :D oli minu jaoks hästi lahe ka see, et ma sain suhelda teiste müüjatega turul ja neile meie kogudusest rääkida. Inimesed oli avatud suhtlema ja see oli väga innustav. Ma tahaks kindlasti ka järgmine kord turupäevast osa võtta. Hästi lahe oleks kui ka kristlik muusika mängiks ning see oleks omamoodi misjon. Aga see on üks palveteema ja ootame Jumala juhtimist!

Päikest teile kõigile : )

On 31 of Januari we(Timo,Me and Mihkel) went to Mustvee on to the market to sell shoes..It was some time ago but it is better to give it to you now than never:)
Our day started at 6:30 when we woke up and went to the church to clean the shoes.And 8 o`clock we went to the market to sell them,there were some others there already.It was a frosty
morning.We were there till about 11 o`clock when (Pille,Marili and Merili) came to switch.
We just sold 3 pair of boots during that time,which was not the best achievement.But we still kept our joy.
But why did we Go there anyway.The reason is simple we are gathering money to buy a video projector/Overhead.
For me the cool thing was,accept the fact we were there,that i could chat with the other people from the market,people were open and it was very encouraging.
I`d like to to that more,it would be cool if we had some christian music,It would be a different kind of mission.But that is a prayer subject and we are waiting to be guided.:D
Lot`s of sun to all

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Noortekas/Youth club

6. veebruari noortekast.

6. veebruaril oli meil järjekordne noortekas, mida viisid läbi Marge ja Pille. Juba mitmendat nädalat viivad noortekaid läbi lisaks tavapärasele liidrile ka üks noortest, seekord oli siis Pille:D
Noorteka teemaks oli Jumala vaimuannid. Rääkisime erinevatest andidest, mida Jumal igaühte meist on pannud: nagu prohveteerimine, teenimine, õpetamine, innustamine, kinkide tegemine, juhtimine ja kaasatundmine (Roomlastele 12:6-8). Loodetavasti saime me sellest teemast palju targemaks.
Õhtu jooksul sai palju nalja ja me veetsime mõnusalt aega. Mängisime mänge, toimus viktoriin, vestlesime niisama ja sõime pizzat.
Ootame põnevusega järgmist noortekat!

On 6th of February we had our youth meeting, that was carried by Marge and Pille. It has been for a while we are having someone from the youths to help out with leading, so this time it was Pille:D
The theme of this meeting was Spiritual Gifts. We talked about different giftings that God has given each one of us: like perceiving, serving, teaching, exhortation, giving, administration, compassion (Romans 12:6-8). Hopefully we learned something from it.
We had lots of fun during the evening. We played some games, had a quiz, just chatted and we ate pizza.
Can't wait for next meeting

Monday, February 2, 2009

Team From Home\Tiim Kodust

With this first post i want to go back in time a bit,if it is allowed....
From 16th to 19th of Jan we had a Team from Skien Norway as quests in our church.They were on their mini-Outreach and blessed us with helping out with ministry.
It was a wonderful time,The team consicted of 6 people[Helina(from Estonia),Marcea(USA)they were the leaders of the team,Peder(Norway),Maria(Norway),Ingvild(Norway)and Andreas(Norway)].As i said allready they came from Skien the base i used to be last year in my DTS(Bilbleschool),so i felt really good together with them as you may understand.:D
First things first,Friday night(16th) we had a youth group and the team were the ones responsible,they had some draamas and testimonies,we had some games in the end,time went fast and was a time of bonding and fun.
Saturday,In the morning we had a time of practice with the youth and the team together,and in the evening at 5 o clock we had an evangelical event,unfortunately we had wery few people comeing,probably because of the fact that in mustve there havent been a event like that before so maybe people were afraid,but for those who were there it was really good.
At the sunday service i joined the team for worship,and they had a drama and an testimony
Aftewards we had a day of til at 7 o clock we had time together with the youth pastors and the team from norway we were praying together and the team prayed for us.
Monday was the day we went to Tartu an had a day of together with the team.And about 6:30 We said good bye..
But not for long...the team went foward to Valgs and staid there for 5 days
so we Met again in saturady evening in Tallinn...and had a great time.In Sunday we said our goodbyes again as they left to Norway.
Til we see again:)

Esimese postitusega lähen ajas tagasi,kui võib:D
16-19 jaanuaril oli meil mustvees külas Tiim Norrast Skienist.Nad olid Eestis oma väiksel Misjonireisil ja tulid meid õnnistama ja aitama
Oli väga tore aeg,Tiim koosnes 6 inimesest(Tiimi juhid Helina Eestist ja Marcea Usa`st ja 4 norrakat Andreas,Ingvild,Maria.Peder)nagu ma juba ütlesin tulid nad Norrast Skienist,linnast kus ma olin eilmine aasta õppimas,Maria ja Peder olid mu kaas õppilased ja neid näha oli väga mõnus
Reede(16)oli meil nagu alati noorte grupp ja see kord olid nemad selle eest vastutavad.Nad tegid draamasid ja tunnistasid,rääkidid jumalast ja lõppude lõppuks olid meil ka mõned action mängud.
Laupäeval olime koos nendega hommikul kui meie noored ja nemad koos draamasid harjutasid
Õhtul oli meil Evangeelne koosolek,kahjuks ei olnud seal väga palju inimesi võib olla selle pärast,et meil pole midagi sellist varem toimunud ja inimesed ei julgenud tulla.
Need kes seal olid said kindlasti hea kogemuse.
Pühapäeval olin mina koos kahe norrakaga ülistust tegemas,veel tegid naad draamat ja tunnistasid\seletasid seda.Oli väga tore jälle midagi oma sõpradega teha.
pühapäeva õhtul olime koos noortejuhid ja nende tiim,palvetasime nii üksteise kui ka noorte eest.
Kurb päev mil nad lahkusid:D..tegelikult mitte nii kurb,käisime Tartus ja olime niisama koos,nagu alati tahtisd nad natuke shoppata,ja me võimaldasime selle neile:P.
umbes kell 6.30ütlesime oma head aegad.
Aga nagu me avastasime mite väga pikaks ajaks
Nad sõitsid edasi valka ja jäid sinna viieks päevaks.Nägime neid jälle laupäeval kui tallinnas kohtusime,meil oli jälle tore osadus,pühapäeval ütlesime jälle oma head aegad kui nad Norra lendasid
Jälle nägemiseni