Toimus meil järjekordne noorteõhtu,külas käisid rakvere noored ja nende Pastor Gunnar.Õhtu alguseks olid paar mängu,pildi peal näha üks neist.
Rakvere noored olid tulnud terve noorte bändiga,mis oli igati teretulnud ja meeldiv,nad tegid ülistust ja tunnistasid,Kunnar jagas sõna....
Ta rääkis Jumala austamisest,läbi oma elu,sõnade ja tegude.
We had another youth group,this time we had visitors from Rakvere,the youth group and the pastor Gunnar.We started the night with couple of games,and you can see some of the action on the pictures.
The visitors had brought the worship band with them,or actually they were it.Which was really welcome.
We had some worship and Gunnar teached about honouring God,with your life,words,and actions