Teretulemast meie blogisse! Läbi selle blogi tahame rääkida sellest, mida me teinud oleme.. ja vahel ka sellest mis on plaanis.. : ) MBK Noored
Sunday, December 20, 2009
You know it is Christmas time finnaly and now we here in Estonia,Mustvee are also having christmas prep.
This week finnally has started to snow and we are happy that God has given us a white christmas he is good.
This week we are going to have two christmas party`s and a bunch of other stuff is coming in these days,also a small thing called the christmas day.
Well this time we just want you to know that we will think of you during these times,and we wish you a blessed christmas and also a new year that will be extraordinary.
Happy X-mas
Youth leaders:D
Friday, December 18, 2009
Ilusat jõuluaega!
Väga kahju, et ma ei ole saanud päris tükk aega külla tulla, kuid ma mõtlen Mustvee noorte ja koguduse peale iga päev.
Koolis on mul olnud äärmiselt kiire ja väga palju tegemist, kuid Tänu Jumalale - ma olen saanud paljud asjad ära teha. Olen tundnud Jumala juhtimist ja abi. Räägin kõigest kui koju tulen : ). Jõuludel ja aastavahetusel olen ma Inglismaal ja ootan seda väga. Jaanuari alguses püüan olla taas Mustvees ja seda juba pikemalt :).
Palun palvetage, et kõik läheks hästi ja, et ma ilusti koju jõuaksin.
Soovin teile kõigile ilusat jõuluaega ja samuti ka head aastavahetust! :)
Ma pole teid unustanud !!! : )
Kallistan teid kõiki!
Kaili :)
Friday, December 4, 2009
This is been a long week for me,i have been sick for 2 weeks now but finnaly getting better :)
so i tell you a littele bit what has been happening,since i have been sick not so much during this week and the youth are also a littel sick some of them at least.
so tonight it will be a youth night at Jõgeva we have some other people comeing from a city called Türi,and so some of the youth from our group go there also,i am unshore if i go but we will see.
last weekend we had a visitation from our norwigean friends,Ivar Dahle came with a group of norwigean students and some elderly lady`s or how he said the Young lady`s :D
We had a childrens camp with them saturday.
friday also had youth group where we went to the tower of a nearby church and we had a prayer for the city there.
this time of the year is been quite hard for me and i dont know where i am heading,specially with the stuff and the ministry that i am doing,so you can pray that God would speak to me directly about what should i do Here or Where should i be.
Thank you for reading.
Stay Blessed,God is good;)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
This last weeks we had also more stuff in weekend than in week
friday i was fasting for the youth group and it was a really good time
We had worship and one of the girls got the gift of tongues...it is really cool that God is doing stuff when He wants and without our will..He reminds us that he is in control and his Spirit cant be stoped by our deeds
Also we had a prayer time with prophetick words came thru many youth and to all of us i think
Saturday we had practice for the worship and drama
Sunday we went to a congregation in south estonia called Mooste congregation
Our church had the whole service and the youth had worship and a Drama
This is just a littel owrewiev what happend
Stay blessed
Räägin natuke eilmisest nädalast..eilmine nädal oli meil nagu ikka natuke rohkem tegemisi nädala lõpus kui nädala sees
Reedel oli meil noorte osadus grupp ja Ma olin reede pastuks võtnud..Meil oli ästi äge age Jumalaga ja ülistuse ajal sai üks tüdruk keeltes rääkimise anni ja siis pärast meil oli palve aeg võetud ja Saime palju Prohvetlike sõnu Jumala käest meie linna ja inimeste ja meie enda kohta
Jumal on lahe
laupäeval oli meil ülistus proov ja draama proov samuti..tegime ka kooriproovi
Sest pähapäeval läksime külla Mooste kogudusele et neid Teenistusega teenida
Ja see oli hea aeg..Saime noortega Ülistada ja Samuti tegime ühe draama.
See on natuke sellest mida me tegime noortega
Olge õnnistatud
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
it is time for the weekly update.
This last week our youth and all the youth in Estonia had a school break and so i organised a littel gathering for 2 days for them.
we had some youth from jõgeva coming to our church to join our youth group and so we had a meeting in the end of thursday at 7 a clock where i had invited a youth pastor from Tartu,from Word of Life congregation to speak.
it was really good to get to pray for the youth after the meeting,we prayd for all of them and it was a really good time.
God was speaking to people and also me,it was a really good time of peace and soaking.
Friday we had a visitor thet we did not expect,the youth leader from Jõgeva Kaur who was suposed to be in Sweden came suddenly and visited us.
It was really good to see him and to spend time with him,we got to laugh a lot.
Friday we had youth meeting in the evening
and so in saturday we finished with packing and cleaning up the mess....Well it wasnt a mess really just a bit of cleaning.
So that is what happened this week:)
have a blessed day
miss you all timo
God bless
Hei kõik lugejad
Nagu te teate,eilmine nädal oli koolivaheaeg ja siis meie siin Mustvees tegime sellise väikse laagrimoodi asja. neljapäev kuni laupäev
Olime koos Jõgeva noortega meie kirikus ja meil oli selline sotsiaal/powertime
Neljapäeval oli meil Külas Elu sõna noortepastor Tartust ja ta rääkis Enda/kõigi väärtusest Jumalas.see oli väga hea aeg koos noortega ja pärast me palvetasime kõigi eest ja Jumal sai rääkida nende eludesse.
Pärast seda oli meil selline vaikne aeg kus saime olla lihtsalt Jumalaga koos ja tunda tema lähedust
reedel oli meil õhtul noortekas aga päeval oli välja mõeldud igast sotsiaalseida mänge ja tegevusi.
Laupäeval lõppes meis koosolemine.
See oli väga hea aeg ja ma sain aru,et koosolemine ka sõprade vahel annab tegelikult väga tugeva Jumaliku sõpruse ja vendluse.
See oli tõesti hea nädal
Jumal Õnnistagu teid
Monday, October 26, 2009
Meie nädal möödus päris regulaarselt
Reedel oli meil noorteõhtu,kus teemekas oli Piibel ja tegime päris palju Piibliga tööd'
Noortekatele mitte tavaselt oli meil alguses piibli aeg ja alles lõpus tegeime ülistust see oli selline hea aeg.
On hea teha seda mida sa tunned et on õige ja tahaks seda rohkem teha.pärast noortekat oli meil snäkk ja saime too kord päris paju süüa. Nii vaimselt kui ka füüsiliselt
Laupäeval käisime Kehras.Kehra Noortejuhid olid meid kutsunud ja sain rääkida sealsetele noortele kellest paljud mittekristlased;)..Sellest kuidas Jumal juhid ja kuidas ta tervendab ja räägib.Laulsime Kirsikaga koos paar laulu ja see oli ka väga hea osa.
Pärast olime koos noortega ja mängisime nendega paari head seltskonna mängu.Neil on paljud noored Mittekristlased aga näib et nad kõik usuvad Jumalat,kui nende käest küsida.
Mis on väga lahe
Sellel nädalal on meil palju asju aga räägime nendest lähemalt järgmises sissekandes
The last weekend was really regular for us in the church we had youth group at friday and we talked a lot about bible and did a bible study
It was really good to do what we felt we should and it turned out that we had bible study for about an hour and then we had worship.
In the end we had good time with the youth while having a snack
Saturday we went to Kehra a city near Tallinn
We had the whole youth meeting to do and there were a lot of non christians so I talked about What God has done in my life in the areas of healing and finances and prophetick
It was really good time we Me and Kirsika also sang some songs and i know God was working in the hearts.
This week we have a brake in school so it will be a good time with the youth but i will tell you about that next time
Blessings to all
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Eilmine Nädalavahetus toimus Jõgeval suurem noortekas .
Jõgeva kogudusel oli aastapäev ja kuna me olime otsustanud noortekat koos teha siis tulime oma noortega ka Jõgevale.
Meie oma ülistusgrupiga(Mina,Timo ja Eerik) tegime ülistust ja Sanderi sõber Hosanna Kogudusest Jutlustas.
Oli hea osadus ja Pärast mängis Miip(Kehra Bänd)...See oli lahe kontsert ja osadus aeg.
Kahjuks pidid nad samal õhtul kohe lahkuma ja ei saanud nendega koos aega veeta.Samuti pidid Simo ja Sander(Jõgeva noortejuhid) nendega koos tallinnasse minema
Mina aga Jõin Noortega Tsillima ja meie Õhtu kujunes päris pikaks.
Saime kaks inimest öösel koju saata (Riina ja Kalvi)..Riima elas umbes 4-5 km linnast väljas ja tee oli pime nii,et me läksime taga kaasa,Kalvi elas aga umbes 1 km teisele poole järelikult kõndisime umbes 12 km lõpuks kogudusse jõudes pooled juba magasid ja me isegi olime rampväsinud.
Laupäeval oli Jõgeva koguduses palve päev ja meie teenisime kaasa muusika poole pealt.
See oli hea aeg kus kõik said jagada ja palvetada.
Pärast seda aga juhtus lahe asi.Ma pidin häälega koju sõitma ja just palvetasin et saaks peale ja siis üks mees peatus ja ütles et ta sõidab Sadalasse mis on poolel teel Mustvee,ja ma siis läksin peale..ja Ta viis ming täitsa koju ära sõitis mingi 40 km ringi mu pärast.
See oli küll Jumala juhtimine.See oli hullult lahe kuidas Jumal ikka varustab sind :)
ok Selle Tunnistusega lõpetangi Selle sissekande
Jumala Õnnistusi
Hey Everybody
Last weekend we had a youth night at Jõgeva. Jõgeva is wery close to Mustvee and we have a littel partnership going one with them.Jõgeva congregation had a birthday and so our youth also came to the youth group.
Me,Timo and Eerik had worship with our group that we have practiced with and so it was a good time with One guy from Sanders Church sharing stuff from his life.
after the youth night we had a concert prepared with a band called Miip.
It was a littel sad that the band had to leave straight after the meeting and we could not talk with them but it was good time with the youth after the concert.
Late in the evening we had to walk 2 youth home because it was late and they lived far away,one of them lived 4-5km out of town and the other lived1 km the other way so we had to walk 12 km..ater we made it back we went straight to bed to sleep for 4 h to get up in the morning because we had to do the worship in the morning service also.
Jet again it was a good time of shareing and praying.
The same day something really cool happened i was hichikeing home and it was a really bad weather so i prayd that God would show me his favor Psalm 4 12
and soon a car stopped and i found out it was going to take me half way home but God had sent this guy and instead he took me to my home that was about 40 km extra driving to him.
So cool..God is great
He loves us
Youth team
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
This last weekend 9-11 okt we had alot going one.. We had our weekly youth group and we also had a Youth service in the weekend..And we also had some sports in sunday with the youth.
So let me start from the Start :D
Friday Youth meeting.
The subject of this friday youth meeting wa babtism..We are planning to do the babtism with the youth so I teached a littel bit of what is the meaning of babtism and repentance and Babtism with the HS.
So we are planning to to that sometime.
We also had a long Worship time,that is our main focuse this year to just be with God and Get to know Him more
We always have social time after the Youth meeting with some snack and talk and Games.
What i have noticed is that our youth are wery hungry and the food just disapears from the table.This is just a sidenote
So what we did in Saturday was we had worship and drama Practice for the youth service and Sunday we had the service
So Sunday We had to wake up early and prepare for the meeting,it is a really cool thing to do those kinds of stuff with the youth. I was preaching about david and the story of amalekites,and how God wants us to turn to him in the time of stuggle and hardships. We had worship and 2 dramas first Hallelujah Drama and second the Sin chair drama. We also had two testimonies and after the meeting we had church coffee.
Möödunud nädalavahetus 9-11 okt oli meil noortega päris kiire aeg. Reedel oli meil noortekas nagu alati,pühapäeval oli meil noorteteenistus ja pärast seda tegime noortega natuke sporti. Aga ma alustan algusest
Reedesel noorteõhtul rääkisime ristimisest,meie noored tahavad ristitud saada ja siis rääkisin neile selle tähendusest mis tähendab ristimine,patukahetsus ja püha vaimuga ristimine. Mingi aeg nüüd plaanime seda teha,Meil oli ka pikk ülistusaeg ja see on ka meie noortekate põhieesmärk,et koos Jumalaga olla ja teda tundma õppida
Meil on peale nootekat alati ka snäkk ja ma olen täheldanud et meie snäkk kaob alati meeletu kiirusega...Se näitab et noored on näljased ja see on hea :D
Laupäeval olime noortega koos proovis ja see oli ka hullult hea aeg
Pühapäeval oli noorteteenistus ja see on üks lahedamaid asju mida teha,Noored tegid 2 draamat haleluuja ja patu tooli draama.Mina rääkisin jutluses taavetist ja amalekkidest ja sellest kuidas Jumal tahab et me temaga koos oleksime kui raskused tulevad. Siis oli meil veel 2 tunnistust ja ülistus osa.Kiriku kohvi lõpetas meie teenistuse.
Soovin järgnevaks nädalaks õnnistusi Mustvee Noortetiim
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Hey everybody,it has been a wery nice weekend and a new start of the week.Last friday we had a youth meeting and we talked about prayer,we had a prayer journey and worship.It has been a good time with the youth and in time we have got closer now,we want to do the babtizm soon and almost all the youth wants to do that which is great.
So this weekend There were a conference in Tartu in Elu sõna congregation and it i was there apart of the prayer team it was realy good time.
The holy spirit was really moving and doing stuff inside the people.It was really good to be there just to see hearts uniting.
Now we have youth meeting in friday and We are doing the sunday meeting also with the youth Please pray for both of them
Hei kõigile see nädalavahetus ja nädala algus on olnud väga lahedad
Eilmine nädal oli meil reedel noortekas ja rääkisime palvest ja meil oli palveteekond ja ülistus
Ef 1.17-19 ja Ef 3.16-19.Noortega koos on alati hea olnud aga me oleme lähedasemaks saanud ja see on väga hea.Tahame ka ristimist ette võtta ja peaaegu kõik noored kes kohal tahavad seda teha.
See nädalavahetus käisime ka mõnede noortega Tartus Jesus Conferensil ja see oli väga lahe aeg,Jumal tegi palju meie südametes ja raske on rääkida mida kõike me kogesime ja mis muutus.
Hea on vaadata kuidas Jumal meie Südameid ühendada võib ja seda ta tegi.
Nüüd reedel on meil veel noortekas ja pühapäeval noorte teenistus
Võtke aega ja palvetage nende pärast.
Tahame näha jumala au ja tunda tema armastust rohkem
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A Happy new year
A new year has started.It is our second year in mustvee and things are a bit different this time
Our youth team has been split this year we are together Timo and Kaili.
The other youth leaders have had so much to do and Mihkel has moved to Tartu so they cant take apart of the youth work which is sad but what can we do about it.
Last friday we had our first youth meeting.
Youth group from Jõgeva came to visit and so we did it together.We have also assambled a youth worship team and want to do it with different members also so we can all be in the worship in different times.
Sander and Simo(the youth leaders in Jõgeva) were there and Sander spoke about trusting God and how Abraham showed us an exsample.
I (Timo) also had a Birthday party that night and so there were some other guests there also
it was a long night and I left earlier than others,which has never happened before.:)
but i guess things are a bit different now when i am 22 years in age.
next youth meeting will be in 3days and Kaili our other youth leader will have a birthday and so we are looking foward to it in many ways :D
Stay blessed
Tere Kõik Meie bloggi lugejad
Uus aasta on alguse saanud ja meie noortetiimis on väikesed muudatused toimunud.
Sellel aastal oleme me Kaili ja Timo kahekesi noortejuhid teised kaks kes meiega koos olid ei saa see aasta nii palju kaasa teha sest neil on nii palju teha ja mihkel kolis Tartusse.
Eilmine reede oli meil noorteõhtu ja see oli koos Jõgeva noortegrupiga sellel aastal tahaksime rohkem nendega koos olla ja teha erinevaid asju :D
Samuti oleme kokku pannud noorte ülistus tiimi ja tahaksime seda teha erinevate koosseisudega et kõik saaksid vahel ka lihtsalt ülistada:D
Sander rääkis kuida Jumalat usaldada ja kuidas seda tegi Aabraham
Mina(Timo pidasin ka sünnipäeva ja sellepärast olid seal ka mõned teised külalised
Õhtu venis kuni kella 3 ni öösel ja ma lahkusin varem.Vist selle pärast et ma nüüd 22.võis siis selle pärast et sellised massi üritused on alati väsitavad:D
Järgmine noortekas on meil reedel ja peame ka Kaili sünnipäeva,oleme topelt ootuses
Olge õnnistatud
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Mustvee noorte suvi ! : )
Esmaspäeva hommikul alustasime jalgrattamatka Paidest - Mustveesse, mis kestis 3 päeva. Matka tegid kaasa - Kaili, Marili, Pille, Karl-Emil, Timo, Anneli.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Noored Mustvee laadal
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Sorry for not speaking to much lately this last month has been crazy.So many things to do..and stuff to plan.Last month of this year has come and in august we youth leaders will take a break..
Now i will tell you of what has happened.
Since our last entry we have had youth groups every friday...and visitors from finland and el salvador:)
actually the visitor from el salvador is Simo the Brother of Timo.Simo came back in 23 june
he shared us with stuff he has been doing there in Bible school,outreach and testimonies about him sharing Jesus to people.So cool
At the same time we had finnish friends visiting us and staying in our family hotel.Migu,Pauli and Jukko,Mikael also shared about things he has been challenged in and God`s guidance.
in 27th jun Me(Timo and Simo left for a camp)It is called English camp and it was held in Pala...we were staffing there and this camp was really a highlight of the year or something...
we were altogether about35 youth and 15staff and it was half of the youth that were non christians.But in the end of the camp 7 people got saved not one person left untouched and unbeliveing.So many youth got to know God more..This was really amazing
the camp was a week long with the prep and finishing so you can imagine i was really tired after the finish and took a day of,yes it was almost like that:)
in sunday i travelled to Tallinn meeting a friend of mine,but i also met One norwigean guy Sigur Kristianslund and we shared of what we wanted to do in Estonia and found out that it is the exact same thing.So that was really cool.We will probbably meet in saturday and hopefully take our vision on.
Huh a lot of info,but Good one
Now the last month we have planned 2 trips with the youthgroup and a littel camp in the end of july..so pray they will be awesome time together and we`d see People touched by God
Youth Leaders
Tere Kõikidele
Andke andeks,et me viimasel ajal oleme liiga palju rääkinud.See viimane kuu on olnud hull,nii palju asju teha ja planeerida.Viimane selle aasta kuu on tunud ja augustis on meile(noortejuhid)tulemas puhkus
Nüüd natuke mis juhtunud on.
Eilmisest sissekandest peale on meil iga reede noortekad olnud ja külalisi nii soomest kui ka el salvadorist,tegelikult külaline el salvadorist on Simo,Timo vend.Simo tuli tagasi 23 juunil.
Simo jagas meiega mis temaga seal piiblikoolis juhtus,tunnistusi ja igasuguseid lahedaid asju Jumalaga
Samal ajal olid meil Soome sõbrad külas,nad peatusid meie pere hotellis,Migu,Pauli ja Jukko
Migu(mikael) jagas noorteõhtul sellest kuidas Jumal on temale väljakutseid esitanud ja teda juhtinud.
27 juunil lahkusime Me(Timo ja Simo) Inglise keele laagrisse palale,see oli kindlasti üks kõige lahedamaid asju mis selle aasta jooksul juhtunud on:)
Meid oli kokku umbes 35 noort ja 15 juhti pooled noortest olid mitte kristlased või siis sellised kahe vahel olevad,Laagri jooksul said a ga 7 inimest päästetud,ja keegi ei lahkunud laagrist puudutamatta.Paljud noored said Jumalat tundma:)..nii lahe
Viimase kuu jooksul tahaks ära teha 2 trippi ja võike laagri juuli lõpus:D
vaatame kuidas läheb..aga kõik kes loevad võite selle eest palvetada et noored saaksid jumalat tundma
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Cranberry Juice
But hey i am happy to write to you guys again
about the last youth gathering which was really cool,and about the Grace festival that is takeing place in Tallin this wery weekend.
Last friday we had a great time in our youth group,it was really wierd cause as you may not know i were in the army reunion for the last 2 weeks and i wasnt really in a great shape after it quite mentaly drained and also fisically tired,but it was really wierd how God used that tiredness and shaped it into something really powerfull...PROPHETIC...
We had alot of plans for that evening but it was all turned into time with God and when he spoke.
We had started with the worship and were singing totally unaware of what God was about to do,So suddenly i was just playing and i felt God saying to me that there is somebody in the room with problems in the school...so i said it and i heard people praying for sombody,it was quite cool,then God spoke again about somebody with a hurting hip...and i felt also that he or she should go to pray with Mihkel,so i said it out and there was some praiyin again(afterwards one girl said to me that she were having a hip hurt,and i asked her in the sunday how was she and it was really healed)...by the time we ended the worship i felt i had to say something about the conviction vision i had before(when i were driving from army to home)...it was about people,also christians standing in one place and not doing anything with the life that has been given to them...it turned out to be a 30min sermon with scripture and stuff....wow i was tottally surprised how God used me and gave us so much HS revalation that night...afterwords we prayd for every individual and had prophetic words all over them...wow God is good all the time...alll the time God is good...
Now little bit about the Grace festival.
it is a world tour by Franklin Graham and we are expecting a lot of God`s movement which is already happening..weekly we are haveing..something crazy happening...so thankful..probbably dayly but i dont know all the updates from different churches...:D
One of my friends who has christian backround,but never really belived has started to pray and get answers from God...i didnt even know...so i pray and ask you to do the same for those people ho have already been touched and for the grace festival and that God would sustain the fire and miraculous and increase it after the festival so we can grow into revival and sustain that as a culture...
bless you so much
Timo(on behalf of youth leaders)
Te ilmselt ei tea miks ma kirjutasin pealkirjaks Jõhvika mahl,tegelikult sellel polegi minit erilist põhjust,ma lihtsalt tahsin seda teha pluss ma avastasin et see on väga hea maitsega.
Aga hei mul on hea meel teile kirjutada,eilmise noorteka ja Lootuse festivali kohta mis toimub järgmine nädal...
Eilmine reede oli meil noortekas väga lahe aeg,arvtavasti kõik teist ei tea aga ma olin kaks viimast nädalat sõjaväes kordus õppustel,ja kui ma sealt koju jõutsin olin suhteliselt vaimselt ja füüsiliselt väsinud,aga see oli väga lahe kuidas Jumal suutis selle väsimuse millegiks väga võimsaks muuta...Prohvetlik..
Meil oli selleks õhtuks palju plaane aga see kõik muutus ajaks Jumalaga ja kuidas ta rääkis....
Me lihtsalt hakkasime ülistama teadmata mida juhtuma hakkab.ma lihtsalt mängisin ja järsku sain ma sõnu jumalat..tundsin et kellegil on probleeme õppimisega koolis..ütlesin selle välja ja kuulsin mõne hetke pärast palvetamist..siis Rääkis Jumal jälle ,et kellegil on puusaga midagi viga.samuti kuulsin et see inimene peaks mihkliga palvetama(pärast kui meil snäkk oli tuligi üks tüdruk mu juurde ja ütles et temal oligi puus valus)....pühapäeval küsisin,kuidas tal on ja ta ütles et ta on täiesti terve...pärast ülistus tundsin ma et pean rääkima sellest pildist,visioonist mis rääkis sellest et kuidas iniesed isegi kristlased seisavad oma eluga paigal ja midagi ei juhtu..kuna nad ei ole suutnud oma elu jumalale üle anda....sellest väiksest asjast sai päris pikk jutlus...ma olin nii põnevil kuidas jumal sai mind kasutada ja meile kõigile nii palju PV ilmutust anda..pärast palvetasime kõigi noote eest ja paljusid prohvetlikke sõnu tuli erinevate inimest kaudu...wow Jumal on hea kogu aeg...Kogu aeg Jumal on hea...
Lõõtuse festivalist ma vist eesti keeles räkima ei hakka...oleme väga põnevil nägemaks kuidas Jumal seal töötab,ja et ta peale seda meie tuld hoiaks ja et me saaks kasvada ärkamiseks ja selle läbi ärkamise kultuuriks.
Palju õnnistusi
Timo(noortejuhtide nimel)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Tüdrukute õhtu
Niisiis 8. mail toimus meil õhtu ainult tüdrukutele. Seekord oli meil ka kindel stiil - boheemlane, mille sõnastamine oli ehk natuke keeruline. Põhimõtteliselt kõik selga, mis ültse on võimalik selga panna. Aga pildilt on näha, mis välja tuli : ). Õhtu jooksul me joonistasime ja lugesime kristliku sisuga jutustusi, mis olid õpetlikud. Väga tore oli koos tüdrukutega õhtut veeta, saime üksteist paremini tundma õppida ning tulla mugavustsoonist välja (nagu Timo ütleb) :D, teha midagi teistsugust. Stiiliauhinna sai Merili, kelle huvitavamaks aksessuaariks oli kummik ühes jalas ning toss teises :D
Kaili :*
Monday, May 11, 2009
Paide noored Mustvees
26. aprillili käisid Mustvee koguduses külas noored Paidest. Nad laulsid ja tunnistasid sellest mida Jumal on nende elus teinud ning neid muutnud. Paide noortetöö on hakanud taas hoogu saama, mis on väga tore:). Noored, kes meil külas käisid on tulnud Jumala juurde ellneva poole aasta jooksul. Minu jaoks oli ehk kõige suurem rõõm nendega Mustvees koos olla, sest ma ise olin ju Paides ning lahe on näha, et uusi noori tuleb ka Paide kogudusse.
Kaili :*
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tere kõigile
This year we had a lot of testimonies and it was great because they were interesting and also people were challanged to do that.
Tired from prayerwalk,palverännakust vüsinud
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Teade Tüdrukute stiilikas 8. mai
Stiil? - Boheemlaslik, poeetiline - kaabud, sonid, ülikonnariidest püksid, või hoopis laiad dressipüksid, rätikud, naljakad/vanaaegsed pluusid/T-särgid, vestid, tennised, vanaaegsed jalanõud, pöörake tähelepanu ka soengule, kuidas te kujutate end täieliku boheemlasena, laske loovusel voolata :D
Kellaaeg?- 19:30
Tegevused? - loovust on rohkem kui tavaliselt :D
Õhtu ainult tüdrukutele!
Kaili : )
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
So we had youth gathering in 17th of aprill..Timo and Marge were leading it.
We have had a good tradition in our youth group by starting with prayer and always finishing by praying in two`s.
It is an idea brought by Mihkel and i think it is brilliant.Joy is the nature of creativity and this time we had creative worship by investing time in each other and beeing with each other just talking and praying.
Timo talked about miracles,about healing`s and how it is a good way to evangelise to others and show that God is real,he had two testimonies of his own experience.We also had a challenge for the youth"the Challenge of one good thing" or thats what we called it :D..the point is thet they and we have a goal to do one good thing during the week,it does not matter to who but just to be good...Let`s see how we manage.
as you know we are going to the Festival next weekend that is the start of may so we were prepairing for it and taking about what we need and how it will be there..
We always have some games and snakk just before the official end,and i tell you it is sometimes real hard to come up with new stuff there:) so if you have some great indoors games you are free to e mail us :) (noortetiim@windowslive.com)
Hei kõigile
17 aprill oli meil jälle noorteõhtu,see kord juhtisid seda Timo ja Marge
Meil on noorteõhtutel heaks traditsooniks saanud alati alguses palvetada ja samuti lõpus samuti palvetada kahestes gruppides
Selle idee tõi Mihkel ja ma arvan et see on suurepärane,Rõõm on loovuse loomus:D ja see kord oli meil loominguline ülistus,kus me lihtsalt võtsime aega üksteise jaoks ja rääkisime ja palvetasime.
Timo rääkis imedest ja tervenemistest ja kuidas need on hea viis jagada ja rääkida teistele jumalast,ja seda et ta on olemas,ta jagas 2 tunnistust enda kogemustest.Me esitsime noortele ja endale väljakutse,teha üks hea tegu nädala jooksul,ei ole vahet kellele me seda teeme,lihtsalt ütitame olla head,vaatame mis sellest välja tuleb.
Läheme järgmine nädal PP`le nagu ka paljud teised eesti noored,ja rääkisime sellest mida kaasa võtta ja mida oodata
Meil on alati enne norteka lõppu snäkk ja mõned mängud,selle koha pealt on mõnikord raske midagi uut välja mõelda,aga kui kellegi on heasid ideid mõne mängu kohta siis emailige meile
Friday, April 3, 2009
Mõned osalejad olilid aga liiga väiksed et isegi padja tagant välja paista:D
Youth group 27th March
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Noortekas 6. veebruaril
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
24. veebruaril tähistasime Vastlapäeva. Käisime noortega Kurus (Peipsi ääres) kelgutamas.
See oli vägev ja väsitav päev. Kell 10:30 oli väljasõit ning kell 11 alustasime kelgutamisega :D
Lisaks kelgutamisele oli võimalik ka lumelauaga sõita ning mitmed ka seda tegid. Pärast kelgutamist oli meil grillimine ja vastlakuklite söömine Lota juures. Mõnus oli lõkke ääres istuda ja end üles sulatada :D.
See on mega lahe, et Jumal meile niipalju lund on saatnud.
Olge tublid !
Monday, February 23, 2009
Rakvere noored olid tulnud terve noorte bändiga,mis oli igati teretulnud ja meeldiv,nad tegid ülistust ja tunnistasid,Kunnar jagas sõna....
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Turupäev :D
But why did we Go there anyway.The reason is simple we are gathering money to buy a video projector/Overhead.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
6. veebruari noortekast.
Noorteka teemaks oli Jumala vaimuannid. Rääkisime erinevatest andidest, mida Jumal igaühte meist on pannud: nagu prohveteerimine, teenimine, õpetamine, innustamine, kinkide tegemine, juhtimine ja kaasatundmine (Roomlastele 12:6-8). Loodetavasti saime me sellest teemast palju targemaks.
Õhtu jooksul sai palju nalja ja me veetsime mõnusalt aega. Mängisime mänge, toimus viktoriin, vestlesime niisama ja sõime pizzat.
Ootame põnevusega järgmist noortekat!
On 6th of February we had our youth meeting, that was carried by Marge and Pille. It has been for a while we are having someone from the youths to help out with leading, so this time it was Pille:D
The theme of this meeting was Spiritual Gifts. We talked about different giftings that God has given each one of us: like perceiving, serving, teaching, exhortation, giving, administration, compassion (Romans 12:6-8). Hopefully we learned something from it.
We had lots of fun during the evening. We played some games, had a quiz, just chatted and we ate pizza.
Can't wait for next meeting
Monday, February 2, 2009
Team From Home\Tiim Kodust
From 16th to 19th of Jan we had a Team from Skien Norway as quests in our church.They were on their mini-Outreach and blessed us with helping out with ministry.
It was a wonderful time,The team consicted of 6 people[Helina(from Estonia),Marcea(USA)they were the leaders of the team,Peder(Norway),Maria(Norway),Ingvild(Norway)and Andreas(Norway)].As i said allready they came from Skien the base i used to be last year in my DTS(Bilbleschool),so i felt really good together with them as you may understand.:D
First things first,Friday night(16th) we had a youth group and the team were the ones responsible,they had some draamas and testimonies,we had some games in the end,time went fast and was a time of bonding and fun.
Saturday,In the morning we had a time of practice with the youth and the team together,and in the evening at 5 o clock we had an evangelical event,unfortunately we had wery few people comeing,probably because of the fact that in mustve there havent been a event like that before so maybe people were afraid,but for those who were there it was really good.
At the sunday service i joined the team for worship,and they had a drama and an testimony
Aftewards we had a day of til at 7 o clock we had time together with the youth pastors and the team from norway we were praying together and the team prayed for us.
Monday was the day we went to Tartu an had a day of together with the team.And about 6:30 We said good bye..
But not for long...the team went foward to Valgs and staid there for 5 days
so we Met again in saturady evening in Tallinn...and had a great time.In Sunday we said our goodbyes again as they left to Norway.
Til we see again:)
Esimese postitusega lähen ajas tagasi,kui võib:D
16-19 jaanuaril oli meil mustvees külas Tiim Norrast Skienist.Nad olid Eestis oma väiksel Misjonireisil ja tulid meid õnnistama ja aitama
Oli väga tore aeg,Tiim koosnes 6 inimesest(Tiimi juhid Helina Eestist ja Marcea Usa`st ja 4 norrakat Andreas,Ingvild,Maria.Peder)nagu ma juba ütlesin tulid nad Norrast Skienist,linnast kus ma olin eilmine aasta õppimas,Maria ja Peder olid mu kaas õppilased ja neid näha oli väga mõnus
Reede(16)oli meil nagu alati noorte grupp ja see kord olid nemad selle eest vastutavad.Nad tegid draamasid ja tunnistasid,rääkidid jumalast ja lõppude lõppuks olid meil ka mõned action mängud.
Laupäeval olime koos nendega hommikul kui meie noored ja nemad koos draamasid harjutasid
Õhtul oli meil Evangeelne koosolek,kahjuks ei olnud seal väga palju inimesi võib olla selle pärast,et meil pole midagi sellist varem toimunud ja inimesed ei julgenud tulla.
Need kes seal olid said kindlasti hea kogemuse.
Pühapäeval olin mina koos kahe norrakaga ülistust tegemas,veel tegid naad draamat ja tunnistasid\seletasid seda.Oli väga tore jälle midagi oma sõpradega teha.
pühapäeva õhtul olime koos noortejuhid ja nende tiim,palvetasime nii üksteise kui ka noorte eest.
Kurb päev mil nad lahkusid:D..tegelikult mitte nii kurb,käisime Tartus ja olime niisama koos,nagu alati tahtisd nad natuke shoppata,ja me võimaldasime selle neile:P.
umbes kell 6.30ütlesime oma head aegad.
Aga nagu me avastasime mite väga pikaks ajaks
Nad sõitsid edasi valka ja jäid sinna viieks päevaks.Nägime neid jälle laupäeval kui tallinnas kohtusime,meil oli jälle tore osadus,pühapäeval ütlesime jälle oma head aegad kui nad Norra lendasid
Jälle nägemiseni
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
And hope that it will be a blessing to us and you to have this place where can connect.
Blessings,Timo Pappe
Hei kõigile,lõpuks saime endale blogi.Me üritame teid selle läbi enda tegemistest võimalikult palju informeerida.Anda infot iga noorteka ja ürituse kohta mis meil noortega toimub.
Loodame et see koht on õnnistuseks nii teile kui ka meile.
Õnnistused,Timo Pappe